About Our Team

We meet your needs by learning about you

Wayne Humphry

Retired Vancouver Fire Rescue Services Chief Officer; focused on training and operations – emergency incident management and strategies and tactics.

Wayne has 43 years experience with the BC fire service, following a career spanning 31 years with the VFRS.  During this time, Wayne served in fire suppression, rising to the rank of Battalion Chief.  He also worked extensively with Vancouver Fire’s Training Division as an Instructor, Training Officer, and Division Chief between 1996 and 2009, developing and managing a variety of programs along with the site/facilities.  Based on his work in these roles he has extensive experience in fire rescue emergency incident management and operations, specialty teams, logistical planning and budgeting, training and development, facilitation, and project creation and management.

In addition to his work with Vancouver Fire he has been an instructor at the Justice Institute of BC, at UBC’s Sauder School of Business as well as for Capilano University. Wayne has developed and delivered in-house Firefighter and Fire Officer Development seminars and programs designed to meet the requirements of Pro Board accredited certification for various career and volunteer/paid-on-call fire departments and Regional Districts throughout BC, Alberta, Manitoba, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.  His subject expertise includes Firefighter I & II, Fire Officer Levels 1, 2 and 3, Emergency Incident Management (BCEMS/ICS, Command Post operations, fire behaviour, strategies and tactics, incident action planning, and personnel accountability); Incident Safety Officer; Rapid Intervention Teams; Fire Service Instructor; and Live Fire Exercises.

Wayne continues to develop and deliver firefighter and fire officer training to a wide range of clients. 

Randy Hebenton

A 43-year veteran of the fire service, Randy retired from Vancouver Fire Rescue as a fire suppression Battalion Chief after a 35-year career, many of these years served as a Lieutenant, Captain and Training Officer.  He worked extensively with training for the department in the New Recruit program, Company Officer and Battalion Chief training programs, as well as other specialty disciplines, and served on the VFRS recruitment panel conducting interviews for career applicants.

Randy was also an adjunct instructor with the Justice Institute of BC in their Fire Officer Development, Strategies & Tactics, Live Fire, ISO, and RIT programs.

He has been a dedicated member of the FireWorks Consulting Team from the beginning, as a lead instructor and program developer, working with many fire departments throughout British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba.

Joanna Piros

Joanna has worked with FireWorks since its inception, providing training and coaching in the areas of media relations as a function of Incident Command, social media policies and procedures for fire departments, and serves as an instructor in the Fire Service Instructor courses offered.

She has provided coaching to numerous candidates seeking employment with career fire departments, to the fire service experiential program at Big White Resort, and to numerous officers preparing for panel interviews for new positions or promotions.

Joanna manages most of the video work for FireWorks, as a producer, field producer and editor.  Her background is in radio and television news where she worked as a reporter, news anchor and documentary producer. She has also appeared in numerous movies and television shows, usually playing a reporter or news anchor. Big surprise.

She has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Carleton University and teaches strategic communications, leadership presence and media relations to her own corporate clients and also for UBC’s Sauder School of Business.  Joanna estimates she has helped over 5000 people become better in front of the camera, on the stage, behind the podium, and on the front lines of incidents.

Email: info@joannapiros.com


Cell: 604.836.6674

John Macdonald

John has been in the fire service for 28 years, his first 25 years with the City of Coquitlam Fire Rescue where he served as a firefighter, Company Officer, Training Captain, and retiring as the Assistant Chief of Training.

He then moved into the Deputy Chief of Operations role with the Port Coquitlam Fire and Emergency Services where he continues to be a primary contributor to the fire service.

Being very passionate about training and education, John enjoys working with other departments, sharing his many years of knowledge and experience.

John joined the FireWorks team about 6 years ago, assisting with a variety of our fire services programs.  As a key member of the team, he continues to develop and deliver Fire Officer Development, Strategies & Tactics, ISO, and FSI-I programs throughout the province.


Pat Giovinazzo

With 43 years in the fire service, Pat is a proven leader, having a 32-year career with West Vancouver Fire Rescue including a strong background in training; promoted to a Captain in fire suppression, and then to the Assistant Chief of Training.  During his four years in this role Pat was instrumental in the development of the Training Division.  He then was promoted to the Assistant Chief of Operations, a position he held for four years until his retirement.

Pat has also been with the FireWorks Team from the beginning; as a dedicated and self-motivated professional, with the skills and ability to mentor and guide students to perform and develop to their full potential.  He works extensively in our program development with a focus on assessments and evaluations in all aspects of firefighter and fire officer development.


Bob Allan

A 39-year veteran of the fire service, Bob recently retired from West Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services following a 30-year career serving in fire suppression as Lieutenant, Captain and Acting Assistant Chief, as well as a shift instructor in many disciplines.  Bob also worked extensively, for 23 years, with the Lion’s Bay Fire Rescue’s training division as an Instructor, Training Officer, and Deputy Chief of Training.

He is a seasoned and dedicated instructor in First Responder Medical, Confined Space, High-angle Rope Rescue, Vehicle Extrication (including buses and highway coaches). In the year 2000 Bob established his rescue training business, Rescue Associates Training, specializing in vehicle extrication, heavy rescue, and school bus/highway coach rescue.  As such, Bob was awarded the contract for the 2010 Olympic bid for vehicle rescue training for the career and paid-on-call fire departments along the Sea to Sky corridor – from the District of North Vancouver to Pemberton.

Bob has been with the FireWorks Team from the beginning, as a dedicated member and lead instructor, delivering several fire services programs, and in particular, Fire Officer Development, Incident Management including Strategies & Tactics, and Vehicle Rescue programs throughout the province of BC.

Jack Blair

A 43-year veteran of the fire service, Jack retired from Vancouver Fire Rescue as a fire suppression Captain after a 27-year career, many of these years served as a Lieutenant and Training Officer.  Jack worked extensively with training for the department in the New Recruit program, Company Officer and Battalion Chief training programs, as well as the Hazardous Materials Technician program.

Jack then moved to Salmon Arm, taking on the role of Fire Services Coordinator for the Columbia Shuswap Regional District for a six-year period.  During this time, he managed the thirteen volunteer/paid-on-call fire departments, while coordinating with the four municipal departments within the district.  He also participated in the development of the Shuswap Regional Training Facility, as well as coordination and facilitation of the training programs for these departments over the course of his six-year term.  Jack was also responsible for overseeing the purchasing of apparatus and equipment for thirteen fire departments.

Following this, Jack was awarded the Deputy Chief of Operations and Training role with the City of Vernon Fire Rescue Services where he was responsible for staff development and training, emergency response procedures/protocols, and departmental operations.

Now with the BC Office of the Fire Commissioner, Jack is a Local Assistant to the OFC.

Jack has been a dedicated member of the FireWorks Team since its inception and continues to be a key member providing training in many areas of the province.



Mike Adams

Mike joined the fire service 32 years ago, spending his first 20 years with the District of North Vancouver Fire Rescue; where, as a firefighter he worked extensively as a team leader and instructor in several of the Technical Rescue disciplines – rope/high angle, confined space, and swift water, along with first responder medical and CPR.  He then advanced on to the company officer ranks of Lieutenant and Captain, and having a passion for training, eventually into the role of Training Captain, and then to Assistant Chief Operations.

From there Mike moved on into the Deputy Chief role with Squamish Fire Rescue for a period of two years, where he was responsible for the leadership and management of both career and volunteer members.

In 2011, he moved to Kamloops, taking on the role of Assistant Chief Operations for Kamloops Fire Rescue, a full-service fire department comprised of unionized and volunteer members. In this role, Mike managed the day-to-day fire suppression responsibilities, involving command at complex incidents, media, and community relations, working with instructor groups within the division conducting and controlling regular training sessions with the members.  Following three years as Assistant Chief, Mike was promoted to the role of Deputy Fire Chief, looking after the health and safety committee, emergency program coordinator, budgets, and labour/human relations issues.

In 2016, Mike was awarded the position of Fire Chief with Kamloops Fire Rescue, providing strategic and operational leadership for the organization.  He continued in this role for four years, retiring at the end of 2020.

As a value-based leader, strategic thinker, problem solver passionate about developing high-performance personnel and teams, and a life-long learner, Mike has recently joined the BC Office of the Fire Commissioner as a Local Assistant to the OFC.

Mike was previously a member of the FireWorks team from 2012 to 2015 and has now rejoined the team where he continues to be a dedicated member providing training in many disciplines throughout the province.



Dean Robson

Dean is a career firefighter with 21 years of service with Coquitlam Fire Rescue, currently as a Captain in suppression; as well as being a instructor in several disciplines.  He has worked extensively, for 14 years, with the Coquitlam Hazardous Materials Response Team as a member and team coordinator at the Technician level.

As an advocate of fitness, education and learning, Dean started with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, followed his passion to be a firefighter and fire officer, completing his Fire Officer IV and Fire Service Diploma last year, and is currently pursuing his Masters degree with Royal Roads University.

Dean has been with the FireWorks team for the past 5 years, as a conscientious and dedicated instructor delivering several fire services programs, in particular, Fire Officer Development, Strategies & Tactics, ISO, and FSI-I programs throughout the province.



Gavin Summers

Gavin is a career firefighter in his 35th year of service with the Burnaby Fire Department (BFD), as a firefighter, Lieutenant and Captain in suppression, and now as an Assistant Chief for the past 6 years; as well as being an instructor in several disciplines.  He has worked extensively, 16 years, with the BFD Hazardous Materials Response Team as a member and instructor at the Technician level and was appointed to the Haz-mat/CBRN response advisory board for the 2010 Olympics.

As a seasoned and dedicated firefighter/instructor, he has also instructed new recruits, vehicle rescue, RIT, ISO, and Fire Officer I & II programs.  Internationally, Gavin has also instructed first responders in Jordan, Saudi Arabia (ARAMCO), Malaysia, Indonesia, and Columbia.  His teaching included a variety of courses from Haz-mat to Fire Officer programs.

As an advocate of education and learning, Gavin has completed the Fire Officer IV program, and is currently pursuing completion of his Fire Service Diploma.

Gavin has been with the FireWorks team for the past 4 – 5 years, assisting with the delivery of several fire services programs, in particular, Fire Officer Development, Incident Management including Strategies & Tactics, RIT, and ISO programs throughout the province.


Simon Gould

Simon has well over 33 years in the fire service; first joining the United Kingdom fire service in England, where he served as a firefighter until he moved to Canada and settled in Prince George.  Shortly after, he joined Prince George Fire Rescue where worked as a firefighter and Company Officer for the next 28 years, retiring in October of 2020.

A seasoned and dedicated firefighter/instructor, Simon spent most of his career providing instruction in one capacity or another, from new recruits, RITeams, ISO, Fire Officer I & II programs, Haz-mat, and various Technical Rescue disciplines such as vehicle rescue, rope rescue, and confined space.

Being the dedicated “trainer” he is, when Simon retired, he passed along a few thoughts to take away in hopes we can all be the best we can be:

“To everybody here and now”

All that I have had the pleasure to work with.

All that understand what it is, to truly to be a firefighter.

All that come to the firehall every day, ready to perform, and never just mail it in.

There is more to it than wearing the t-shirt and belt buckle.

Simon joined the FireWorks team 4 years ago, assisting with the delivery of several fire services programs, in particular, Firefighter, Fire Officer, Incident Management including Strategies & Tactics, RIT, and ISO programs throughout the province.


Dan Walker

Dan is a career firefighter of 21 years service with Vernon Fire Rescue, as a firefighter, and Captain in suppression, and currently as a Fire Prevention Officer for the past 3 years; as well as being an instructor in several disciplines. 

As a seasoned and dedicated firefighter, fire officer, and instructor, he has worked extensively with the haz-mat team as a member and instructor at the Technician level, with new recruits, rope rescue, confined space, vehicle rescue, RIT, ISO, the Fire Officer I & II programs.

Dan has been with the FireWorks Team for the past 2 – 3 years, assisting with instruction, as well as evaluations, for several fire services programs; in particular, Firefighter, Fire Officer, Strategies & Tactics, Haz-mat, and RIT programs throughout the province.