Fire Trainer Award

John MacDonald was recently awarded the Trainer of the Year Award by the BC Fire Training Officers Association at their annual conference, held in the Alberni Valley.  The award is recognition of the outstanding achievements of BCFTOA members in the area of fire service training. Nominees must have done exceptional work for the fire service.  Winners are evaluated based on their demonstrated initiative in developing and applying new ideas in training; creativity in use of resources; highest quality of work dedication beyond the norm; and, service, both within and outside of their own department.

John was extremely happy to receive it and says, “I have always tried to assist other departments to help develop their training programs through a spirit of cooperation and respect. I also believe my work with respect to Multi Family Residential Fires (improved building construction knowledge as well as improved strategies and tactics) will lead to improved firefighter and occupant safety while lowering fire losses when these buildings are impacted by fire”.

Congratulations, John. We are proud to have you on our team!